Tarot Prophet Presents


The Power of Dreams

We have all waken from dreams that we know are significant.

We can dream about falling from some great height, losing a tooth, moving up in a big tower building or turning into a different creature. You do not know why you dreamt it. It just came unconsciously. Dreams always symbolise your fears, goals and something unpredictable.

Our dreams are trying to tell us something - but what? Even worse are the dreams that don't leave us alone, coming back and back again. I can help you interpret those dreams and find out what they mean to YOUR life. My knowledge isn't just taken out of a dream journal, it comes from years as working as an Empath and with spiritual guides.

Bring your dream to me. Write down the details and tell me about the important people in your life. From that, I can develop a sense of meaning you can use to take advantage of what the dream is trying to tell you -- be it good or ill. I can help you uncover the symbolism behind the motives that appear in your dream, why they appear and what warning or message they tell you about your future.

Bring Your Dream To Me & Discover Its Hidden Meaning


Crystal Balls and Tarot Cards       

The use of Tarot cards and crystal balls is a popular ancient divination activity since the medieval period to date. Behind these materials are strong metaphysical propertiesy...


Tarot Predictions – Can the Cards Unveil Your Future?

The common way people use and consult with tarot is to predict their future. It becomes an ordinary belief that the cards in the tarot can predict our future, and offer...


Astrology and Tarot – How are They Connected?

There is no denying that astrology and tarot are deeply linked. Both philosophies consult the Astral World for guidance. While astrology focuses more on planets and...


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